My Work


A dynamic game involving mathematical problems, developed as a part of course project in our C++ Course.

  • C++
  • SDL
Project 1

Mp3 Player

Basic MP3 Player that can play/Pause songs. It has a unique feature where you can create a playlist for youselves.

  • Python
  • Tkinter
  • Pygame
  • Mutagen
  • SQL
Project 1


A website that eases the process of making appointment with a doctor with the help of ethereum blockchain.

  • React
  • Nodejs
  • Solidity
Project 3

About Me

I consider myself as a upcoming Software Engineer who constantly seeks out innovative solutions to everyday problems. In my 3 years of college, I've honed my analytical thinking and collaboration skills, and I love working with a team. I try to give my best at each and every thing, I do.

My Resume